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Eminent Speaker

Hans Agren


Uppsala University



Hans Agren graduated as PhD in experimental atomic in 1979 and molecular physics at Uppsala University, Sweden, under the supervision of Nobel laureate Kai Siegbahn. After a couple of Postdoc years in USA he became assistant professor in Quantum Chemistry in 1981 at Lund U, in 1983 associate professor in the same subject at Uppsala U, and in 1989 research professor appointed by the Natural Science Research Council. He became the first in Sweden holder of a chair in Computational Physics in 1990 (Linköping University) and first at KTH (Royal institite of Technology, Stockholm) holder of a chair in Theoretical Chemistry in 1998, where he head (to 2017) the Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Biology. Since 2018 he was back in Uppsala, now as Senior professor. He participates in a number of national and international networks in research areas and hold several guest professorships abroad. Among awards he received the Uppsala Bjurzon award, the Swedish Björn Roos award and the Changjiang Distinguished Professorship awarded by the Ministry of Education of China.

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