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Eminent Speaker

Tlek Ketegenov


Institute of Combustion Problems



Tlek Ketegenov represents the “Institute of Combustion Problems” (Kazakhstan). He was the head of work on the creation of chemically resistant materials: powders, ceramic tiles, concrete, coatings, coatings for pipelines, and other technological equipment. During the same period, research was conducted on developing new sorbents to purify water from organic contaminants. Since 1995, he has worked in chemistry, solid-state physics, and mechanochemistry. His research is devoted to establishing fundamental laws in fast chemical reactions during mechanochemical processes, identifying the basic principles of solid-flame combustion of high-energy propellants mixtures, the interaction of grinding material with the substance being ground in mechanochemical reactors, as well as the development of new technological solutions for the production of several materials and products for functional purposes.

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