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Eminent Speaker

Nihan Kosku Perkgöz


Eskisehir Technical University



 Nihan Kosku Perkgoz received her undergraduate degree from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Middle East Technical University in 1999. She pursued her master's and doctoral degrees at Hiroshima University under the scholarship of the Japanese Ministry of Education (Mombusho). During this period, her developed technique for producing microcrystalline
silicon thin films for photovoltaic systems earned her an award from the Japan MRS Society (2003). In 2005, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at École Polytechnique in France. From 2007 to 2012, she served as a project coordinator at Bilkent University's UNAM. Between 2012 and 2018, she worked as a faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Anadolu University. Since 2018, she has been continuing her research at Eskişehir Technical University. Her research focus includes designing, developing, and demonstrating innovative nanophotonic and optoelectronic devices and sensors structured using semiconductor materials at the nanoscale. Additionally, research is conducted towards the development of innovative materials and systems for energy storage applications such as supercapacitors.

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