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Eminent Speaker

Alex Sturm

Chief Scientific Officer

Resistell AG



Alex completed his PhD in Microbiology with focus on Salmonella virulence at the ETH in Zurich in 2011. He subsequently moved to New York to study antibiotic tolerance at Columbia University before working on Tuberculosis at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. During this time, he acquired a wide knowledge of the physiology and genetics of human pathogens. In 2020 Alex joined the team of Resistell AG as a Senior Scientist in Microbiology to perform preclinical studies and R&D of our nanomotion technology to improve and accelerate diagnostics of antibiotic resistance in the hospital. He is highly involved in the basic research of the technology where he collaborates closely with the team of engineers and data analysts at Resistell AG as well as external collaboration partners at CHUV, EPFL and Fachhochschule Nordwest in Basel.

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