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Eminent Speaker

Paweł Zapolnik

Assitant professor

University of Rzeszów



Paweł Zapolnik is a medical doctor during a residency in neonatology. His academical experience as an academic assistant at the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszów concerns mainly clinical genetics and vaccinology, both in a theoretical and practical approach. He worked on a clinical trial evaluating the effect of BCG revaccination on the course of SARS-CoV-2 infections among healthcare professionals in Poland, as well as on the international project ‘Innovative Immunisation Hubs – ImmuHubs’ aimed at reducing the transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases through an increased vaccination uptake among disadvantaged, isolated, and difficult-to-reach population groups. He is a member of the Polish Society of Human Genetics, the Polish Neonatal Society, and the Polish Society of Vaccinology.

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