A collection of conditions known as cerebrovascular disorders directly impact the blood vessels that provide nourishment to the brain. These disorders have the capacity to disturb the normal blood flow to the brain, potentially leading to damage in the brain tissue. The two main classifications of cerebrovascular disorders are ischemic and hemorrhagic.
Related Tags: International Conference on Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases | International Stroke Conference 2024 | Case Conferences | Department of Neurological Surgery | Stroke Conferences 2023 | Stroke Conferences | Cerebrovascular Disease, 22nd Princeton Conference
Related Associations: European Stroke Organisation | Stroke Alliance for Europe | Stroke Association | Fédération Française de Neurologie Vasculaire | Deutsche Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft | Società Italiana di Neurologia Vascolare | Stroke Foundation | Spanish Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases | American Stroke Association | National Stroke Association | American Heart Association | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke | Brain Attack Coalition | National Aphasia Association | American Academy of Neurology | The Internet Stroke Center