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Patrizia Russo

Associate Professor

San Raffaele University



She works at San Raffaele University in Rome as an Associate Professor of Pathology and History of Medicine. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of "Current Medicinal Chemistry," "Recent Patents on Anticancer Drugs," "Molecules," and "International Journal of Molecular Sciences." She serves as a scientific evaluator for several governments, including France, Austria, Oman, Jordan and the EU.

In 2006, she was a member of the Italian Consensus Board for defining guidelines on lung cancer in Italy.

Since January 2021, she has been a part of the Technical Committee of the Italian Society of Tabaccology (SITAB).

Since 1987, she has been working in the field of Molecular Pharmacology. After receiving a "Yamagiwa-Yoshida" international scholarship from UICC, she attended the Molecular Pharmacology Laboratory at NCI-NIH (Bethesda, USA) (two months)

Starting from 1995, she has been studying the sensitivity/resistance relationship and p53's relevance to experimental antineoplastic drugs such as farnesyltransferase inhibitors and in 1997-1998  she attended the Molecular Pharmacology Laboratory at NCI-NIH (Bethesda, USA) (9 months Grant awarded by FIRC- Milan Italy)

Since 2000, she has been researching the biology of lung cancer and mesothelioma, collaborating with the Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel) to study the diverse roles of the cholinergic system in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Her research particularly focuses on nicotine addiction, lung diseases, and Alzheimer's.

Since March 2020, she has been studying the role of nicotine in SARS-CoV-2 infection in collaboration with the "INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani" National Institute for Infectious Diseases in Rome, Italy.

She was invited as a speaker in the "Epidemiology-Expert View" section at the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Respiratory Society held in Vienna, Austria, from September 7-9, 2020.

She is UO (Operational Unit) responsible of  for the grant: TTV-virome prediction of dysregulated immunity and clinical differential diagnosis n. B53D2300376006/G53D23000700001 AWARDED by MUR (Ministry of University and Research) in Rome, Italy, from 2023 to 2025.

Her h-index is 38 according to Scopus, and she has 181 published works. Her Scopus Author ID is 57192333601, her ORCID ID is 0000-0003-1745-7827, and her RESEARCH ID is J-8767-2016.

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