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Structural Materials

Structural Materials

Structural Materials includes ceramics, composite materials and metal alloys: Most metal alloys are highly crystalline. This crystalline nature is plays a key role to deform plastically and opposing failure under repeated mechanical loading. Some well-known examples of this are the alloys that are used in aircraft that can reimburse for deformation in high-speed flight, or bridges designed to bend in the wind.

Types of Structural Materials

  • Mechanical Properties
  • Durability and Environmental Resistance
  • Advanced Structural Materials
  • Structural Analysis and Design

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering deals with the product and manufacturing of products through chemical processes. This consists of designing outfit, systems, and processes for refining raw accessories and for mixing, compounding, and processing chemicals. Chemical intelligences reaffirm the processes developed in the lab into practical operations for the marketable product, and also work to maintain and amend those processes. The fields invoved in this are:

  • Chemical Conflation
  • Biotechnology
  • Mineral Processing
  • Ceramics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Petrochemical Engineering
  • Electro Chemistry

Other Key Topics

Other Key Topics

The other topics of Materials Sceince and Engineering includes are:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Batteries and Solid Electrolyte Materials
  • Mechanical and Civil Engineering
  • Nanostructures and Nanofilms
  • Surface Science and Engineering
  • Environmental and Green Materials
  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Nano medicine
  • Textiles Industries
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Materials For Energy & Sustainability
  • Emergent Materials
  • Nanostructured polymers
  • Polymer engineering
  • Engineering Mechanics and High-rate Testing
  • Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing

Polymers & Biopolymers

Polymers & Biopolymers

A polymer is a long chain molecule that is made up of many repeating units (as the name means many parts), called monomers. Polymers can be natural (organic) or synthetic. For example, they are available in plastics such as bottles, toys, vinyl siding, and packaging, and  shampoos and other hair care products, contact lenses, food like proteins, starches, gelatin, gum, gluten, fabric, balls, sneakers, and also in our DNA.

  • Types of Polymers
  • Polymer Properties
  • Polymer Processing

Biopolymers are naturally occurring macromolecules that are made up of repeating subunits. This omnipresent family of polymers possesses a huge variety of structural compositions and material properties. Biopolymers like nucleic acid materials such as DNA and RNA are composed of repeated nucleotide subunits. Polypeptides are formed by polymerizing the amino acid subunits, which become proteins by adopting biologically-active conformations.

Types of Biopolymers:

  • Biopolymer Properties
  • Synthesis and Modification
  • Emerging Trends



Metamaterials are composite media with distinctive electromagnetic properties that can be engineered. These metamaterials are made up of sub wavelength building blocks mostly with metals.  These materials allow great control over optical fields, permitting effects such as negative refraction that has to be realized. The properties of metamaterials are derived from their newly designed structures, but not from the properties of the base materials.Some examoles for metamaterials are:

  • Negative index metamaterials
  • Chiral metamaterials 
  • Plasmonic metamaterials
  • Photonic metamaterials

Advanced Energy Materials

Advanced Energy Materials

Advanced Energy Materials is an earl reviewed scientific journal that covers researches related to energy which contains photovoltaic, batteries, super capacitors, fuel cells, hydrogen technologies, thermoelectric, photo catalysis, and solar power technologies, magnetic refrigeration, and piezoelectric materials.

  • Energy Storage Materials
  • Energy Conversion Materials
  • Advanced Catalysts
  • Nanomaterials
  • Smart Materials



Semiconductors  are materials that have tunable electrical conductivity. It is an engineering wonder. Barely, any semiconductor in its natural form is used. With frequent growth, processing, and final steps convert the raw material into a carefully-designed functional device with the targeted electrical and optical properties.

  • Fundamentals of Semiconductors
  • Semiconductor Physics
  • Semiconductor Devices
  • Semiconductor Materials
  • Fabrication Techniques

Biomaterials and Medical Devices

Biomaterials and Medical Devices

Biomaterial is stated as any non-vital materials that are used in medical devices, proposed to act together with biological systems. Biocompatibility is an important property that varies biomaterials from other material. It is a term that is referred to as the suitable host response to biomaterials.

  • Types of Biomaterials
  • Biomaterial Properties
  • Medical Device Categories
  • Ethical and Social Considerations
  • Regulations and Standards

Magnetism and Multiferroism

Magnetism and Multiferroism

Magnetism and Ferro electricity are required to many forms of present technology, and the hunt for multiferroic materials. These two phenomena are very well coupled, and have great technological and fundamental importance. Ferro electricity and magnetism incline to be mutually exclusive. They interact weakly with each other when they coexist. The stimulating new development is the discovery that even a weak magneto electric interaction can lead to spectacular cross-coupling effects.

  • Magnetism
  • Multiferroism



Metallurgy is defined as a process that is involved in extraction of metals in their pure form. The compounds of metals combined with soil, limestone, sand, and rocks are known as minerals. Metals are extracted from minerals at low cost and for minimum effort. These minerals are also known as ores. A substance which is added to the charge in the furnace to eliminate the impurities is called as flux. It deals with the process of purification of metals. It also deals with the formation of alloys.The three main branches of this major are:

  •  Physical metallurgy
  •  Extractive metallurgy
  •  Mineral processing.

Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotube is a tube made of carbon with diameters usually measured in nanometres. Single-wall carbon nanotubes are one of the allotropes of carbon that acts as a midway between fullerene cages and flat graphene with diameters in the range of a nanometre. Multi-wall carbon nanotubes  consists  of nested single-wall carbon nanotubes that are  weakly bound together by vander Waals interactions in a tree ring-like structure. 

  • Types of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Synthesis Methods
  • Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Applications of Carbon Nanotubes
  • Characterization Techniques

Composite, Coating and Ceramic Materials

Composite, Coating and Ceramic Materials

Ceramic material is neither metallic nor organic. It may be in crystalline, glassy, or both crystalline and glassy structures. Ceramic is usually complex material and chemically non-reactive. It can be moulded or densified with heat. Ceramic materials are also used in electronics. Because, depending on their arrangement, they may act as semiconductors, superconductors, ferroelectrics, or an insulator. 

Types of Composite Materials

  • Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (GFRP)
  • Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (CFRP)
  • Aramid Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (Kevlar)

Types of Coatings

  • Paints and Varnishes
  • Powder Coatings
  • Metallic Coatings
  • Ceramic Coatings
  • Polymeric Coatings

Types of Ceramic Materials

  • Traditional Ceramics
  • Advanced Ceramics



Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Material Sciences & Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that involves the properties of matter and it is applicable to various areas of science and engineering. It mainly focuses on elements of applied physics and chemistry, and also chemical, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering. Material Sciences & Engineering contains the manuscript related to Nano science, Nanotechnology, Material Science Research, Composite materials, Nano engineering, Nanoparticles, Ceramics Engineering, etc.

  • Materials Characterization
  • Metallurgy
  • Polymer Science
  • Ceramics and Glasses
  • Composite Materials

Nanoengineering and It's Applications

Nanoengineering and It's Applications

Nanoengineering is a  branch of engineering that develops, and improves materials on a appropriate small scale. It can be observed as the application of nanoscience in a practical sense. It is similar to how mechanical engineering applied physics principles. The work of a nanoengineer can be very varied; however it generally revolves around the development of nanomaterials. Some examples are Carbon nanotubes, nanocomposites, and quantum dots. Nanoengineering involves:

  • Nano Robotics; Nano Structures
  • Nano Devices; Nano Sensors
  • DNA Nanotechnology

Metals and Mining Materials

Metals and Mining Materials

Metals include expensive metals like gold, platinum, and silver, and in the same way industrial metals include steel, copper, and aluminium. Mineral mining contains the extraction of minerals, including coal and valuable gemstones, such as diamonds.

  • Mineral Exploration and Extraction
  • Mineral Processing
  • Metallurgy
  • Materials Characterization
  • Corrosion and Degradation

Materials Chemistry

Materials Chemistry

Materials Chemistry is important in providing the conceptual basis for the design, development and understanding of new types of matter, whether it may be organic, inorganic or hybrid. From nanomaterials and molecular devices to polymers and expanded solids, chemistry is nurturing a range of new materials such as molecular filters, catalysts, sensors, molecular transporters, artificial scaffolds and light-emitting with the potential for large scientific and general effects.The following are types of materials chemistry involved in this:

  •  Interface of Chemistry-Biology
  •  Catalysis
  •  Green chemistry
  •  Crystal structure of materials and crystal growth techniques
  •  Analytical chemistry
  •  Organic and inorganic Substances
  •  Organic/ Inorganic / Theoretical Chemistry

Computational Material Science

Computational Material Science

 Computational materials  involves computational methods to solve interrelated problems with the materials. Particular mathematical models are available to test the issues on various length and time scales that help to explain the nature of material structures and how these structures efficiently control material properties.  Phase-field Process is used usually on micron and mesoscale systems for material issues. Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo are referred as preferred tools. Some of the methods are:

  •  Mould flow analysis
  •  Modelling behaviour of materials
  •  Macroscopic Computational Materials Science
  • Nano materials synthesis
  • Electronic packaging technology, green manufacturing
  •  Advanced manufacturing technology
  • Computational materials science and chemistry
  •  Artificial intelligence methods
  •  Numerical techniques
  •  Expert systems, genetic algorithms, neural networks
  •  Process system design, engineering or materials

Nature and Properties of Materials

Nature and Properties of Materials

Nature and Properties of materials includes the study of basics of metals and metallic alloys, polymers, composites and smart materials. It includes the  field of Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace and other structural applications. Natures of the materials are classified as natural or processed materials. Natures of the materials are classified as natural or processed materials. Natural materials are those which occur in natural environment with modification.  
Types of Materials: 

  • Metals, alloys and metal compounds.
  • Plastics and recycling
  • Advanced ceramics used in engineering and medicine. 
  • Nano fibres, biological materials and composites.

Graphene Technology

Graphene Technology

Graphene is one of the most optimistic nanomaterials because of its ideal combination of exceptional properties. It is the thinnest as well as one of the strongest materials. It produces heat better than all other materials. It is a good conductor of electricity.  It is optically transparent, yet so thick that it is resistant to gases – not only Helium, the smallest gas atoms can pass through it.

  • Graphene Synthesis Methods
  • Properties of Graphene
  • Graphene-Based Materials
  • Applications of Graphene
  • Functionalization of Graphene

Polymer Technology and Plastics

Polymer Technology and Plastics

Polymer Technology is briefly described as the manufacture, processing, analysis and application of long chain molecules. Materials that are usually classified as polymers including  plastics, paints, rubber, foams, adhesives, sealants, varnishes and many more. These materials, now a days, hold overall control of the high technology era .we live in to such an extent that has become impossible to live life as we aware of it, without these products. Industries that are completely depend on polymers include information technology, aerospace, music, clothing, medical, motor manufacturing, building, packaging, and many aspects.

  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Polymer Physics
  • Polymer Processing Techniques
  • Polymer Additives
  • Advanced Polymer Materials

3D Printing & Additive manufacturing

3D Printing & Additive manufacturing

3D printing is an engineering process. As per the requirement, it is used to produce a three-dimensional product layer-by-layer from a digital 3D model. The 3D printing technique is fast-developing manufacturing technology. Because of its advantages like rapid prototyping and producing customizable parts, the demand for this technique is growing. In the last three decades, these have been the key factors for its growth.

  • 3D Printing Technologies
  • Materials for 3D Printing
  • Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)
  • Post-Processing Techniques
  • Bioprinting

Smart Hybrid Materials

Smart Hybrid Materials

Smart materials are designed materials. These materials have one or more properties that can be changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress, moisture, electric or magnetic fields, light, temperature, pH, or chemical compounds. 
Types of Smart Materials:

  • Piezoelectric materials.
  • Shape memory materials.
  • Chromoactive materials.
  • Magnetorheological materials.

Functional Materials

Functional Materials

Generally, functional materials are characterized as materials which possess specific native properties and functions of their own. Ferro electricity, piezoelectricity, magnetism, and energy storage functions are some of the examples. These materials are found in all classes of materials such as metals, polymers, ceramics, and organic molecules. 

  • Smart Materials
  • Multiferroics
  • Photonic Materials
  • Conductive and Superconductive Materials
  • Thermoelectric Materials

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Nanoengineering is a  branch of engineering that develops, and improves materials on a appropriate small scale. It can be observed as the application of nanoscience in a practical sense. It is similar to how mechanical engineering applied physics principles. Nanoengineering is concerned with nanoparticles and their interactions in order to produce useful materials, systems, devices, and structures. Nanoengineering is a technique that can be applied in a wide range of industries, including electronics, energy, medicine, and biotechnology. Nanoengineering involves:

  • Nano Robotics; Nano Structures
  • Nano Devices; Nano Sensors
  • DNA Nanotechnology
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