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Genetics Case Reports

The study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms is known as genetics. It involves the analysis of genes and their functions, as well as the study of inherited traits and how they are passed down from one generation to another. Genetics also plays a key role in the study of genetic disorders and diseases, as well as in the development of new treatments and therapies for these conditions.

Related Associations/Hospitals BRCA1 and BRCA2APOE gene variantHLA gene complexCFTR gene mutationMassachusetts General HospitalUniversity of CaliforniaJohns Hopkins HospitalRoyal Brompton HospitalPapworth HospitalHospital Clínic de BarcelonaToronto General HospitalUniversity of Michigan Hospitals and Health CentersCharité – Universitätsmedizin BerlinPeking Union Medical College HospitalAsan Medical CenterNational Taiwan University HospitalCystic Fibrosis Foundation Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation

Related Tags : DNAGeneGenomeMutationGenetic testingGenetic counselingGenotype, PhenotypeHeredity, EpigeneticsGenetic variationChromosomeGenomicsProteomicsTranscriptomicsGenome-wide association studyNext-generation sequencingCRISPR/Cas9PharmacogenomicsBioinformatics

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