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Agriculture Production Systems

With careful management of the ecosystem, public health, animal welfare, and community well-being, agricultural production systems are expected to improve our lands' capacity to produce goods of all kinds through profitable and extensive means. in order to meet the requirements of the modern world's expanding population and rapidly changing environment. Since the primitive era and up until the present day, farming practices have undergone constant development and adaptation to meet the necessary standards, resulting in significant differences between each new development. Historically, agriculture relied heavily on human labor, but as technology advanced, a greater variety of tools and machinery were developed to assist humans in tasks like plowing, harvesting, and threshing. These advancements in machinery and equipment contribute not only to the well-being of animals but also to the well-being of humans and the quantity and quality of goods and produce.

  •     Traditional farming
  •     Aquaponics
  •     Organic farming
  •     Silvopostoral systems
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