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Eminent Speaker

Sergio Molinari

Senior Researcher

CNR, Istituto Per La Protezione Sostenibile Delle Piante



I am a senior scientist at CNR and leader of the Biochemistry Lab. of IPSP division in Bari, Italy. I spent a
couple of years abroad for researches in Molecular Biology at the Dept. of Nematology, UCR, Riverside, CA-
USA and Plant Biochemistry at the Dept. of Pure and Applied Biology, Imperial College, London (UK). My
present main research topic is the study of plant immune system mechanisms; in particular, I investigate
the genetic, epigenetic and metabolic mechanisms acting in genetic and induced resistance of plants
against parasites. Resistance is induced by treatments of plants with hormones, or with symbiont
mycorrhizal microorganisms, antagonist fungi such as Trichoderma spp., and Green Waste Composts.
Genetic and induced resistance are intended to be used as a sustainable control strategy within IPM against
plant parasitic nematodes and mining insects. This research implies the carrying out of biological assays and
molecular tests on the effects of SAR (salicylic acid, and its functional analogs, BTH and INA) and ISR
(jasmonic acid, ethylene) activators on plant parasite infestations in relation with dosages, plant age,
application method, water stress, soil, environmental conditions, etc. I was involved in European Networks
and National Project dealing with plant protection (i.e. Endure, http://www.endure-network.eu/)and aid to
agro-food SMEs in the field of selection, characterization and conservation of plant genomes, and of
prevention of the diffusion of economically important and quarantine pests (i.e. Selge, “Public Web of
Research Labs”, http://www.ipsp.cnr.it/projects/selge-3/).
I am a reviewer of projects in industrial research, experimental development, and technology transfer
within regional and national applications issued by Italian Ministry, Apulia Region, and Apulia ARTI. I have
been included in the reviewers panel of Agro-food section within the Agreement between the Italian
Ministry of Economic Development (Mise) and CNR for the evaluation of SME projects funded by the
Sustainable Growth Fund.

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