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Aging & Anthropology

Anthropology examines aging as a cultural and biological phenomenon, studying how societies perceive, categorize, and care for older adults across different cultures. Cultural attitudes towards aging influence practices related to elder care, roles within families, and the status of older individuals within communities. Anthropological research explores how aging intersects with gender, socioeconomic status, and migration, shaping diverse experiences and challenges among elderly populations. Understanding cultural variations in aging practices informs healthcare approaches, social policies, and interventions that promote well-being and dignity for older adults globally. Anthropology contributes insights into the dynamic interactions between biological aging processes and cultural contexts, fostering holistic approaches to studying and addressing aging issues in diverse societies.


  • Anthropology of Aging
  • Cultural Aging Practices
  •  Aging Across Cultures
  •  Elderly Social Roles
  •  Cross-Cultural Aging Studies
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