University of Crete
Aristidis Tsatsakis scientific contribution is evident from his publication history (1300 publications) and the exceptional quality of his scientific work. The impact of his scientific work is also reflected by his citations (over 55,000) and readings/downloads of his scientific articles (over 378,000). He is also the owner of numerous patents. He is Chairman of the Toxicology and Forensics Department at the Medical School at the University of Crete and the most recent Winner of the EUROTOX Merit Award 2022, which is granted annually at the EUROTOX Congress to a European toxicologist with a long and outstanding career in the discipline. According to official measurements, Professor Aristidis Tsatsakis has been ranked among the top three scientists at the University of Crete. He is he architect of a new risk analysis model, which incorporates key factors such as simultaneous exposure to numerous environmental pollutants, at low doses. This risk simulation model, known as "Real Life Risk SImmulation (RLRS)," examines the effect of these multifactorial systems on a long-term basis. His expertise and passion for ameliorating the individual’s wellness have also been observed by establishing telomere length metaphase quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (Q-FISH) by LifePlus. The LifePlus company aims to provide innovative preventive, predictive, personalized, and participatory biomedical services that promote well-being and healthy aging. The Cutting-edge biomedical methods and tools of the LifePLus company are employed for personalized analysis of an individual's physical condition, coupled with expert consultations to enhance overall health and metabolic biomarkers for well-being improvement. To sum up, professor Aristidis Tsatsakis has international scientific recognition, in the top 0.05% of all scientists worldwide.